{:en}Ceking rice terrace is also called Tegallalang Rice Terrace. Best place to visit from Ubud Market or after Kintamani. The view of the rice fields is very good, making tourists like to linger in this place. Here we can see how to cultivate rice, how to cultivate paddy fields and also learn watering techniques used by Balinese farmers.

Parking in this tourist attraction is well laid out, parking is on the west of this tourist attraction. Parking is spacious, there is a toilet too, you can also buy admission tickets here. But if you park on the streets, a bit difficult because the road is narrow. So it’s better to park in a place that has been provided, so that your car is safe. Especially if you just rent a car, without a driver.

There are also sellers souvenirs along the way and there are also selling young coconut and other fruits in these attractions.

You can contact us Setya Mega Rent Car or ‘Kuta Rent Car’ in google map for rental car without driver or also with driver. We are always ready to serve you.


{:}{:id}Ceking rice terrace juga disebut Tegallalang Rice Terrace. Tempat terbaik untuk dikunjungi dari Pasar Ubud atau setelah Kintamani. Pemandangan sawah sangat bagus, membuat wisatawan suka berlama-lama di tempat ini. Di sini kita bisa melihat cara menanam padi, cara mengolah sawah dan juga belajar teknik penyiraman yang digunakan oleh petani Bali.

Parkir di objek wisata ini tertata dengan baik, parkir berada di sebelah barat daya tarik wisata ini. Parkir luas, ada toilet juga, Anda juga dapat membeli tiket masuk di sini. Tetapi jika Anda parkir di jalanan, agak sulit karena jalan sempit. Jadi lebih baik parkir di tempat yang telah disediakan, agar mobil Anda aman. Apalagi jika Anda hanya menyewa mobil, tanpa sopir.

Ada juga penjual souvenir di sepanjang jalan dan ada juga yang menjual kelapa muda dan buah-buahan lainnya di tempat wisata ini.

Anda dapat menghubungi kami Setya Mega Rent Car atau ‘Kuta Rent Car’ di google map untuk rental mobil tanpa supir atau juga dengan supir. Kami selalu siap melayani Anda.




I am happy to help people on holiday to make their holiday more enjoyable. I work at tourism from 1997 until now. I love online and making friends. I speak Indonesian, English and Japanese. And Balinese of course because I am Balinese.