{:en}Full day tour program with Kuta Rent Car to watch Barong and Keris dance at Denpasar. This dance start from 9 AM to 10 PM, continue to visit Batik factory, you can see how to make batik and what color to use, than from Batik factory the trip will continue to visit Celuk village to see how to make necklace and earrings of gold and silver. Next trip will continue to visit Ubud Monkey Forest. Lunch will do at local restaurant. After that the next visit is Kemenuh Butterfly Park. There are many species of butterflies here, some are large and small and also colorful. Last stop is Tanah Lot Temple. The temple at the sea. A must visit tourist place in Bali. Best place in Bali to see sunset.
- Barong and Keris dance
- Batik Factory
- Celuk Village (Gold and silver smith)
- Ubud Monkey Forest
- Kemenuh Butterfly Park
- Tanah Lot Temple
- Barong and keris dance
- Batik factory
- Gold and silver at Celuk village
- Ubud Monkey Forest
- Kemenuh Butterfly Park
- Kemenuh Butterfly Park
- Kemenuh Butterfly Park
- Tanah Lot
- Tanah Lot
- Tanah Lot Temple
Dari sini perjalanan dilanjutkan kembali untuk mengunjungi desa Celuk, di desa ini sebagian besar penduduknya adalah pengerajin kalung, cincin, dan kerajinan lainnya, dari bahan emas dan perak. Selanjutnya perjalanan akan dilanjutkan untuk mengunjungi Ubud Monkey Forest, melihat hutan monyet yang rindang dan monyet yang jinak. Setelah itu dilanjutkan dengan makan siang di lokal restoran.
Perjalanan dilanjutkan kenuju Taman Kupu-kupu (Kemenuh Butterfly Park). Melihat kupu-kupu besar dan kecil, berbagai warna, melihat larva kupu-kupu. Perjalanan diakhiri di pura Tanah Lot Tabanan. Pura yang terkenal karena berada di atas tebing tengah laut. Melihat matahari terbenam sangat bagus di tempat ini.
Rencana perjalanan:
- Menonton tari Barong
- Pabrik Batik
- Mengunjungi pusat kerajinan emas dan perak di desa Celuk
- Ubud Monkey Forest
- Kemenuh Butterfly Park
- Pura Tanah Lot
- Barong and keris dance
- Batik factory
- Gold and silver at Celuk village
- Ubud Monkey Forest
- Kemenuh Butterfly Park
- Kemenuh Butterfly Park
- Kemenuh Butterfly Park
- Tanah Lot
- Tanah Lot
- Tanah Lot Temple