{:en}Kemenuh Butterfly Park Gianyar Bali | various types of Butterflies{:}{:id}Kemenuh Butterfly Park Gianyar Bali | Ada berbagai jenis kupu-kupu{:}

{:en}At Kemenuh Butterfly Park you can see many  butterflies of various types, some are small, medium and large. There are small and medium butterflies with color, black, ash and there are mixed colors.

Area of this place quite wide, children will be happy when invited to visit this place. Butterflies like to suck on a flower honey essence. So plants planted here are fast-flowering plants. (more…)

Antonio Blanco Museum Campuan

{:en}Antonio Blanco Museum Campuan in West of Ubud Gianyar Bali{:}{:id}Museum Antonio Blanco Campuan Ubud Bali{:}


The Antonio Blanco museum Campuan is located in west Ubud. Precisely in Campuan area, Ubud. On the way to the museum, you will see beautiful birds that have been tame and can be invited to take pictures.

Before entering the Antonio Blanco museum, you will be greeted by the staff of the museum keeper, they will explain the general description of the museum Antonio Blanco. Inside the room you are not allowed to take pictures. Except in the souvenir room you can take pictures while holding the painting. Can buy souvenirs if likes. But there is no necessity. (more…)